Friday, October 23, 2009

Mushroom update 10/22/2009

In case you are interested here is a Boise area update. Yesterday I found several nice clusters of Oysters. See the attached photo. I also found a huge patch of Agaricus xanthodermus: too bad they aren't edible. I found 5 or 6 Stinkhorns. I found 3 eggs that were still under ground. I have no interest in eating them. What a slimy mess the eggs are. I found some shaggy manes but they were too far gone. In any case the green belt area is really producing. My Lepiotas have stopped producing for the moment but hopefully will pick back up. There is a cluster in a stump that I haven't figured out yet.

Earth Star

Lepioto rachodes

On a stump I haven't figure them out yet.

Oysters that I harvested.

Yellow stainers. Agaricus xanthodermus

A pair of stinkhorns

A stinkhorn egg with sand on it. Very slimy.

1 comment:

  1. YOU: Look closely for the semi-hollow stipe on the meadow mushroom and the caps difference.

    ME: Perhaps better to say, ". . . and the difference in the caps." or maybe ". . . the caps' different patterns" or something like that.
